man fixing a dishwasher in a kitchen

Our broken dishwasher is finally being fixed.

Passive Use

In grammar, the person or thing that does the action is called the agent of the verb:

playing the guitar

The man is playing the guitar.

  • verb = play
  • agent = The man

Birds fly in the sky.

  • verb = fly
  • agent = Birds

Those shoes cost a lot of money.

  • verb = cost
  • agent = Those shoes 

In grammar, when we put the agent in the position of the subject of the sentence, this is called the Active Voice.

The Passive Voice is used when changing the focus of the sentence from the agent to the object of the verb.  To do this, we put the object in the position of the subject of the sentence:

active and passive

We use passive when the agent is unknown, not important, clear, or "people in general." Often the agent is not stated:

girl crying

My lunch is stolen every day.

  • unknown agent: I don't know who steals my lunch.
road repairing

The road is being repaired.

  • unimportant agent: road repair people

The thief was arrested.

  • clear agent: the police

Paint can be bought at the hardware store.

  • agent: all people in general who want paint

Present Passive

Present Simple Passive (be + past participle) Present Continuous Passive (be + being + past participle)
Active Many people love Jack. Active He is using the stove.
Passive Jack is loved (by many people). Passive The stove is being used (by him).
Active They don't need money to get in the club. Active She is making dinner for us.
Passive Money isn't needed (by them). Passive Dinner is being made for us (by her).
Active Pasta companies make pasta in Italy. Active Are they signing a lease?
Passive Pasta is made in Italy. Passive Is a lease being signed (by them)?
Active Do people always read the newspaper? Active They aren't talking about the landlord.
Passive Is the newspaper always read? Passive The landlord isn't being talked about (by them).
Active You hug me every day. Active I am watching the children.
Passive am hugged every day (by you). Passive The children are being watched (by me).
Active The police protect us. Active They aren't painting the living room.
Passive We are protected by the police. Passive The living room isn't being painted (by them).


Open the exercise to begin the activity. Follow the instructions in the document.
