
Listen to and follow instructions on how to do three different yoga techniques.

Quitting Social Media

Listen to a conversation including persuasive arguments for taking a break from social media.

The Use of Adverbs

Practise using adverbs and adverbial structures to add emphasis.

Emphatic Structures 1

Practise using nominalization and cleft sentences to add emphasis.

Emphatic Structures 2

Practise adding emphasis with ‘do’, reflexive pronouns, and emphatic time phrases.

Gratitude and Mental Health

Read an article on research into the effects of practising gratitude on mental health.

Meal Planning for Mental Health

Read and follow instructions on how to plan meals for better mental health.

Use of English
How to Start Your Day

Give instructions on how to start your day off right.

Stress Relief

Participate in routine social conversations about stress relief, with a special focus on asking follow-up questions to keep the conversation going.

Gratitude Writing

Write a personal, informal message of gratitude.


Review and practise parallel structure, with a special focus on omission.

Summarizing an Article

Write a summary of the article on meal planning to improve mental health from Reading "Meal Planning for Mental Health".
