Intro Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Student 4

Students work in groups of three to four and open the corresponding pages.

Students take turns asking and answering the discussion questions.

Make sure to use the vocabulary words in your answer!

  1. Did you ever want to be a pilot when you were a child?
  2. What is the name of the closest airport to your home?
  3. What does the word, "uncontrolled" in uncontrolled airspace mean?
  4. Who is the most famous pilot in history?
  1. If you had enough money, would you ever pay to travel to space on a spaceship?
  2. What is special about military operations compared to civil operations?
  3. What do you think airspace safety should be a priority for the governement?
  4. Would you say landing area is a liquid or a solid?
  1. In your country, do you make a wish when you see a comet or shooting star in the sky? When else do you make a wish?
  2. Would our air safety be different if we didn't have an airspace structure?
  3. When runways are made, how do they determine the number?
  4. Can people see high flying aircraft with the naked eyes?
  1. What is the best movie about aviation in your opinion?
  2. Do you enjoy books or magazines about aviation?
  3. Does your country have an established aviation structure?
  4. Would you feel comfortable investing a lot of money in an aviation company?