Intro Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Student 4

Students work in groups of three to four and open the corresponding pages.

Students take turns asking and answering discussion questions.

  • What is your favorite aircraft these days?
  • What are some famous aircraft or airports that you know?
  • Did you have a weather class in flight or ATC school?
  • Do you make paper airplanes?
  • Do you fly any aircraft?
  • What instrument approach would you like to learn?
  • Do you enjoy going to air shows?
  • What is the most money you would spend on flying?
  • Do you know any famous English aircraft?
  • What is the last VFR chart you bought?
  • Do you download flight magazines or buy them in a store?
  • Is there a lot of light aircraft at your airport?
  • Do you have any friends who have become successful pilots or Air Traffic Controllers?
  • Do you ever go to weather briefings?
  • How does a person become an Air Traffic Controller where you're from?
  • What is your opinion of Air Traffic Control?