When we learned about noncount verbs, we learned a bit about prepositional phrases. These are phrases that come after nouns to modify their meanings. These prepositional phrase modifiers make nouns more specific in different ways.

The most common prepositional phrase modifiers use 'of.'

Noun Prepositional Phrase Modifier Meaning Sentence
list of presents a list consisting of presents My dad gave me a list of presents to buy for the family.
story of love a story about love This is a story of love and tragedy.
success of the movie the success resulting from the movie The success of the movie was largely due to its awesome special effects.
role of King Claudius the person playing King Claudius's role Tonight, the role of King Claudius will be played by Brian Binet.
future of automobiles the automobile industry's future I do believe that the future of automobiles is electric.
pride of our school what our school is most proud of The pride of our school is our annual fundraising week.

Note that when we use prepositional phrases to show belonging, we can also use a possessive 's instead.

the pride of our school our school's pride
the success of the movie the movie's success
the work of Van Gogh Van Gogh's work

There are also some other prepositions that can be used to modify nouns.

Preposition Noun Prepositional Phrase Modifier Meaning Sentence
to flight to Hong Kong a flight that is going to Hong Kong The flight to Hong Kong will take off soon.
for savings for my vacation money that is saved up to spend on my vacation I've got some savings for my vacation next year.
about pamphlet about universities a pamphlet with information about universities I received a pamphlet about universities in the mail today.
in talent in music ability to do well in music Tanya has talent in music.
on discount on shoes shoes sold for a discounted price I heard the store downtown is having a discount on shoes!
against protest against war a protest to show disagreement with the war There is a protest against war happening at city hall.


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