Objectives & Sequence: This activity is intended to be used as a review of Grammar 4-3 as well as Writing 4-2.

Intro Student 1 Student 2

  • Students work with a partner. Each partner opens the corresponding tab.
  • Each student is presented with 10 sentence prompts.
  • Each student will begin to read one their prompts and the other student has to finish or answer the prompt.
  • Each student will listen to their partner's answer to see if it is a complete sentence.

I don't like the winter....

I don't like winter because I hate cold weather.

  1. Why do you study at this college?
  2. I really like pizza...
  3. I don't have a Maserati...
  4. Why do you like cars?
  5. I think electric cars are awesome...
  6. My favorite season is...
  1. My favorite car is...
  2. Why is your city beautiful?
  3. I like to play games...
  4. I don't have problems with this class...
  5. Why is the internet amazing?
  6. I want to race cars...