Word Part of Speech Example
a bit Adverb It's raining a bit outside.
airshow Noun The airshow will be cancelled if it rains.
average Adjective The average temperature at this airport is 16 degrees Celsius.
awful Adjective The weather today is just awful! Let's stay inside.
be supposed to Verb phrase What's the weather supposed to be like tomorrow?
biplane Noun A biplane is an airplane with two wings, one above the other.
bird strike Noun Bird strikes occasionally occur on takeoff.
Celsius Noun Celsius is the measurement of temperature used in most countries of the world.
conversion Noun, Adjective Controllers and pilots often use conversion charts when translating metric to imperial measurements.
crosswind Noun Pilots often make course adjustments to correct their flight path in crosswinds.
cool Adjective It's usually pretty cool in the mornings here. It gets warmer in the afternoons.
cool down / off Phrasal verb The temperatures cooled off yesterday.  It was nice not to be so hot.
cover Noun, Verb Snow has covered the runway.
damp Adjective Aircraft is cleared to land, runway damp, use caution.
degree Noun It's so hot! It's almost 100 degrees Fahrenheit today.
deviate Verb The aircraft are changing course to deviate around cloud buildups.
dew point Noun Fog is forming because the temperature and dew point are equal.
drop Verb The temperature has been dropping all evening.
dust Noun The wind is kicking up dust around the airport.
executive Noun, Adjective The executive jet deviated around thunderstorms.
Fahrenheit Noun Water boils at 212 degrees Fahrenheit.
foot Noun The aircraft is level at 10,500 feet.
freezing Adjective Aircraft are reporting freezing rain on final.
humid Adjective It is so humid today. It's really hot and wet.
humidity Name The humidity makes me a little uncomfortable.
hangar Noun The hangar doors are frozen shut.
ice Noun Ice is building up on the wings of the Airbus 380.
increase Noun There is an increase in aircraft deviations around bad weather--in some cases more than a 100 mile deviation.
land Verb The aircraft was trying to land during a severe crosswind.
lightning Noun Lightning can be a dangerous to air traffic control.
mainland Noun Do you live on one of the islands or on the mainland?
mechanic Noun The pilot was flying in bad weather when she observed the strobe lights at the end of the runway, so she was thankful that the mechanic had fixed them!
mild Noun It is a very mild spring day. You don't need to wear a jacket; just a sweater will do.
miserable Adjective The weather in November was miserable.
native Adjective My native language is English.
on-the-job training (OJT) Noun phrase On-the-job training is very difficult for the student during periods of bad weather.
pattern Noun The weather patterns on the west coast are difficult to predict.
possibility Noun Is there a possibility that it will rain today?
phraseology Noun Standard phraseologies are used by both pilots and controllers.
practice Noun, Verb Using a simulator to practice bad weather situations is very helpful to the student.
pre-flight Adjective Pre-flight aircraft inspections are very important, especially during periods of poor weather.
rainstorm Noun The rainstorm is moving over the airport from the west.
ramp Noun Ramp parking at this airport is very difficult due to the snow buildup.
remote Adjective Remote weather stations are not reporting data to the weather office.
report Noun, Verb The forecast is reporting severe thunderstorms in the area.
runway Noun Runway 26L is closed due to construction.
soaked Adjective The aircraft was stuck in the grass parking area because the area was soaked overnight.
strike Verb Lightning struck the aircraft parked at the south terminal.
stroll Noun Let's go for a stroll through the International terminal.
stuck Adjective The aircraft was stuck on the ground due to the heavy snowfall.
sun Noun The sun is breaking through the cloud.
sunrise Noun The official sunrise today is 0531 local.
take-off Noun The aircraft's take-off is scheduled for just after sunrise.
temperature Noun Outside temperature is monitored by the pilot while flying.
terminal Noun The terminal controller works aircraft within a 30-mile radius of the airport.
thunderstorm Noun The thunderstorms developed as the clouds crossed the mountain range.
turbulence Noun The aircraft experienced turbulence flying over the clouds.
turbulent Adjective Turbulent conditions have been reported by numerous aircraft departing the airport.
unknown Adjective It's unknown what caused the clear air turbulence the pilot encountered today.
visual flight rules (VFR) Noun phrase The aircraft is flying under visual flight rules through the mountainous area.
weather Noun The tower received numerous weather reports from local pilots.
weather forecast Noun Have you seen the airport's weather forecast for the week? It’s supposed to be warm and cloudy.


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