Part One

Students work with a partner and decide which person is going to be Student One, and who is going to Student Two. For each of the situations listed below, the pair of students should read the information and then create an improvised dialogue about the situation. When finished, students are to go on to the next situation.

This is a speaking activity and should not require any writing or preparation by the students.

Situation 1 Situation 2 Situation 3 Situation 4

Student One and Two are friends. Student One thinks flying circuits is boring and a waste of time. Student Two thinks repetition is important and a good way to learn about the aircraft characteristics. Have a mini debate.

Student One wants to be a commercial pilot for a job. Student Two is Student One's mother or father and doesn't want Student One to be a pilot because he or she thinks it is difficult to be successful.

Student One never learned to read flight chart as a student. Student Two wants to find out the reason why. Also, Student Two wants to help Student One learn.

Student One and Two are friends. Tonight, Student One wants to go see a air show, but Student Two thinks movies are more enjoyable. Discuss your opinions and decide whether you are going to see a movie or air show.

Part Two

Do the activity again, but this time, work with a different partner.
