Predicting Skills for Reading

Predicting skills involve skimming the article and reading over the questions before answering any of the questions or reading the text in-depth. This will help you know what information to look for, and it will also give you hints about the topic and main ideas in the article.

1. Skim the title, subtitle, headings, captions, and graphics for overall impression, general information, and / or main idea.

Use your skimming skills to locate key information in the titles, headings, or graphics, to assist in answering general questions about the main idea of the article.


This chart in the Reading booklet tells us that the article is discussing temperature changes over time. This graphic provides information on the topic, and its heading alludes to surface temperatures, and specific years. From this quick look at one graphic, we can predict the reading will be about temperature changes over time.

example 1

2. Predicting that after introductory information, main idea will be elaborated.

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