Part One

Students work with a partner and decide which person is going to be Student One, and who is going to be Student Two. For each of the situations listed below, the pair of students should read the information and then create an improvised dialogue about the situation. When finished, students are to go on to the next situation.

This is a speaking activity and should not require any writing or preparation by the students.

Situation 1 Situation 2 Situation 3 Situation 4

Student One has just thrown away something recyclable in the regular garbage. Student Two is angry Student One did not put the garbage in a recycling container.

Student One is shopping for a new car. Student Two thinks Student One should buy an electric or hybrid car. Student One isn't sure.

Student One and Student Two roommates. They are discussing what they can do around the house to make it and their lifestyles more environmentally-friendly.

Student One and Student Two disagree about climate change. Student One thinks it is caused by man, but Student Two thinks it is natural, and that there is nothing to worry about.

Part Two

Do the activity again, but this time, work with a different partner.
