Time words (if, when, while, after, before, by the time, as soon as etc.) give us specific details about when an action occurred. A time word + a subject and verb is called a time clause. Time clauses have to be used with an independent clause (main clause) to make a complete sentence.
In the time clause, we use Present Simple and in the main clause, we use Future Simple. These two clauses together express an action in the future.

As soon as I get my results, I will submit them to my univeristy.
While I set up the tent, you can get the fire going.
I’ll get my passport photos taken after I finish work tonight.
By the time is often used with the Future Perfect. This time word describes an action that will already be finished/completed, at a certain point in the future.

By the time you get the message, my plane will have already taken off.
Time Clauses
- Time word (+) Present Simple, (+) will
- When you go to Canada, you will learn English.
- Will (+) Time word (+) Present Simple
- You will learn English when you see her.
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