- Are you an ethical person?
- Do you ever tell lies?
- When is it OK to tell lies?
- Have you ever stolen something?
- Is it ever OK to steal?
- Have you ever cheated on a test?
- Is it ever OK to cheat on a test?


You are working at a company and your boss asks you for $1500.00 for expenses because he entertained a client last night. He gives you receipts from a restaurant and a bar. Later, your boss’ girlfriend comes by to pick him up for lunch and you hear her telling him what a great time she had at dinner with him last night. He is trying to get the company to pay.
What would you do?
Bank Teller

You are working as a bank teller when one of the other tellers tells you that her daughter is sick and must have surgery to survive. She also tells you that she has no insurance and the operation will cost $10,000. Later, you ask about her daughter and your friend says you she is fine now. She tells you that she took $10,000 from an old account at the bank to pay for the operation. She assures you that she has already started paying it back, and will keep paying until it is all returned. She begs you to keep it quiet.
What would you do?

In your spare time at work, you have developed a new spreadsheet program on the computer in your office. It is more powerful and easier to use than anything currently available. You show your new program to a friend who tells you to market and sell it on your own because you could make a lot more money. The only problem is you developed the software using company equipment and on company time. According to your contract, everything you do at work belongs to your company.
What would you do?

Your newspaper has published a report on a study which discovered that bottled water has no advantages over the tap water in most cities. The study included comments from local health store owners and water distributors challenging the study. A famous bottled water company that advertises in your newspaper was angry about the story and is threatening to cancel its account and stop buying ad space in your newspaper unless you run another story of equal length, focusing on the benefits of bottled water.
What would you do?
Law Enforcement

You are a new officer working with a training officer for your first six months on the job. The training officer is a longtime veteran and is a close, personal friend of the Chief of Police. One day when you are working with him, you respond to a call at a local convenience store that has been robbed. It is 2:30 am and you are waiting for the store owner to come. While you are waiting, you see your partner take a drink and some snacks. He puts them in his bag and winks at you.
What would you do?

Your company has a strong policy against theft of company property with strong punishments. When company equipment is old or no longer used, it is put on a table to be sold to workers. One day, You see an employee who is close to retiring grab an electric drill from the table, and put it in his car after most people have gone home.
What would you do?
Real Estate

A lady from out of town calls you to list her parent’s home. She is not sure what it is worth, but says she will be happy to sell it for $500,000. She would like to sell it as quickly as possible because she doesn’t have a job and needs the money. You look at the home and feel it is worth more than $1,000,000, and realize you could buy it cheap and resell it a few months later.
What would you do?

You are the buyer for a retail-clothing store. Your store has a policy of not accepting gifts from suppliers. However, over the years, salesmen have offered, and other employees have accepted lunch, theater and baseball tickets. You arrive home from the office and find a new TV and DVD player on your doorstep with a note that says: “A personal gift for our long standing friendship. The Jones Clothing Company”
What would you do?

You are a university professor who has a student from a poor family. The student must work a part time job to attend the university. However, the student is having trouble balancing work and school and several assignments have not been finished. Now, if you give him a mark for the course, it would be a “D.” The student tells you that he needs at least a “C” to get a scholarship which will save him money and help him focus on his studies.
What would you do?
Two ethical questions:
Question 1
If you knew a woman who was pregnant, who had eight children already, three who were deaf, two who were blind, one mentally retarded, and she had syphilis, would you recommend that she have an abortion?
Remember your answer and go to question 2.
Question 2
It is time to elect the world leader, and yours is the deciding vote. Here are the facts about the three leading candidates:
- Candidate A: He associates with crooked politicians, and consults with astrologers. He's had two mistresses. He also chain smokes and drinks up to ten Martinis a day.
- Candidate B: He was ejected from office twice, sleeps until noon, used opium in college and drinks a large amounts of whisky every evening.
- Candidate C: He is a decorated war hero. He's a vegetarian, doesn't smoke, drinks an occasional beer and hasn't had any extra-marital affairs.
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