Question Form

I Am I … ?
you Are you ...?
Is he ...?
Is she ...?
Is it ...?
you (plural) Are you ...?
we Are we ...?
they Are they ...?


  • Am I Canadian?
  • Is he from Mexico?
  • Are we from China?
  • Is today Monday?
  • Am I in the school?
  • Are they sad?
  • Is Carlos in Vancouver?
  • Am I 18 years old?
  • Is Sarah 23 years old?

Answering yes / no questions

When you answer “no” you use a contraction of the verb TO BE.

Am I Canadian?
→ Yes, you are.
→ No, you aren’t.

Are you from Mexico?
→ Yes, I am.
→ No, I’m not.

Is he from Mexico?
→ Yes, he is.
→ No, he isn’t.

Is Sarah 23 years old?
→ Yes, she is.
→ No, she isn’t.

Are you from Venezuela? (plural)
→ Yes, we are.
→ No, we aren’t.

Are Ana and James Russian?
→ Yes, they are.
→ No, they aren’t.

Are we going to be late?
→ Yes, we are.
→ No, we aren’t.


