Discuss the following warm-up questions:
- Why is the news important? Why should we know about current events?
- What is the most important news story from your lifetime? Why?
- What is good about the news? What is bad about the news?
- Would you ever like to be a professional journalist? Why or why not?

Work as a class.
The New York Times is widely considered to be the standard in American Journalism. It has won more Pulitzer Prizes (an award for excellence) than any other news organization. However, it is a difficult newspaper to read, even for some native speakers. Take turns reading aloud with the rest of the class and go slowly.
- Your teacher will open this link: NY Times
- As a class, choose a news story that looks interesting.
- Begin reading the news story with each other. When you come to a word that is unfamiliar, write it down in the course vocabulary document.