Reading critically doesn’t necessarily mean you must ‘criticize’ a text. Critical reading involves analysing the strengths and weaknesses of the text in terms of credibility, logic, the scope of the research and more. It involves actively reading the text—going beyond simply understanding it—carefully considering the text, and evaluating the text by asking questions.

Part One: Discussion

With your partner(s), discuss the following questions:

  1. To what extent do you accept/doubt/question the information you receive from
    • the news media?
    • your government?
    • your doctors?
    • your teachers?
  2. Are skepticism and doubt positive or negative?
  3. What are examples of contagious diseases that were once very serious but are now virtually non-existent in the developed world?
  4. What is your country's policy on childhood vaccinations against contagious diseases?
  5. Why would someone choose to not vaccinate themselves or their child against an illness?

Part Two: Reading / Post-Reading Discussion

Open the exercise and follow the instructions.

