
Bear Grylls shows Bradley Cooper how to cross a ravine | Running Wild with Bear Grylls

Adults Nature
Bear Grylls teaches Bradley Cooper how to cross a ravine. In Running Wild with Bear Grylls, Bear is taking it up a level by teaching his celebrity guests essential survival skills that they'll have to master and then prove they can use in a high stress situation.

How AI Art Could Enhance Humanity’s Collective Memory | Refik Anadol | TED

Youth Nature
With data as his paintbrush, media artist Refik Anadol trains AI algorithms to visualize the disappearing wonders of nature. He gives a beautiful tour of his recent work -- imagery of artificial coral reefs, flowers, rainforests -- and ponders: Can we use AI to preserve our memories of the fading natural world?

Relaxing Birdsong for Sleep and Meditation | Relax With Nature | BBC Earth

Youth Nature
Relax and soothe the mind with the sounds of toucans, tanagers, hummingbirds and other spectacular bird species as they take flight in the Atlantic Rainforest.

Coastal Geohazards

Youth Nature
Did you know that one geohazard can domino into another, creating a cascade of chaos?

Why Do People Hate Koalas?

Adults Nature
On the Internet, koalas get an unnecessary amount of hate, so let's debunk some of the most pervasive koala myths!

How Wildfire Smoke Affects Your Body

Youth Nature
Isabelle MacNeil spoke to two doctors and an air pollution expert to find out how wildfire smoke can affect our bodies.

Experiencing the currents of the coral reef

Adults Nature
Jeff Jenkins goes drift diving at Palancar Gardens, learning how to go with flow.

Glove-Training A Hawaiian Hawk

Youth Nature
Chris Cooper helps with glove training a majestic, but reluctant, ‘Io (Hawaiian hawk), named Maka’io.

Primitive Technology: Undercover Brick Workshop

Adults Nature
I built a thatched shelter to make bricks in so that they are protected from the rain before they are fired. Despite it being the dry season, it still rains unpredictably in this climate...

Penguin Siblings Race For Food | Growing Up Wild | BBC Earth

Adults Nature
In the harsh climate of Antarctica, Adelie penguin siblings take the term 'sibling rivalry' to a new level, their survival depends on it. Pitting the pair against each other will show the parents who is the fittest and most likely to make it in the wild.

How AI Is Revolutionizing Deep Ocean Research

Youth Nature
With so much of the ocean left unexplored, and a limited number of deep ocean specialists, could AI help scientists to drive major breakthroughs?

Pants On Frogs?

Youth Nature
A team of researchers from Stanford University in California recently took on the unusual task of making tiny pants for rainforest frogs. Watch to find out why!

Japan's 2011 Tsunami

Youth Nature
The March 11 earthquake and tsunami left more than 28,000 dead or missing. See incredible footage of the tsunami swamping cities and turning buildings into rubble.

Creating a Food Forest | Farm Dreams

Adults Nature
National Geographic is the world's premium destination for science, exploration, and adventure. Through their world-class scientists, photographers, journalists, and filmmakers, Nat Geo gets you closer to the stories that matter and past the edge of what's possible.

How Fish Get Away With Being Colourful

Youth Nature
Coral reef fish get away with being colourful thanks to a weird quirk of underwater optics.

Numbers They Don't Teach You In School

Adults Nature
There's a strange number system, featured in the work of a dozen Fields Medalists, that helps solve problems that are intractable with real numbers.

The Future Of Trees Is Liquid

Adults Nature
We love trees, but the main problem is that they aren't exactly travel-sized. However, new technology wants to bring the fresh-air benefits of trees to places that the real deal just can't thrive, like dense urban areas!

Banding A Baby Bald Eagle

Youth Nature
Christian helps a team of experts band DC9, a baby bald eagle, which is no small feat.

Primitive Technology: New Brick Kiln Design

Adults Nature
I cleared an area as a workspace for making bricks, trialed a new source of clay for brick making and tested a new kiln variant that uses fewer bricks than the previous design.

How To Get Venom From The World's Deadliest Spider

Adults Nature
The deadliest is probably the funnel-web spider and its relatives. The Sydney funnel web spider (Atrax robustus) can kill a toddler in about 5 minutes and a 5-year-old in about 2 hours.

Always Everly

Kids Nature
Join author and illustrator Nate Wragg as he reads his heartwarming picture book perfect for every season of the year, ALWAYS EVERLY.