Word | Part of Speech | Example | |
advance | Noun | There have been many technological advances in the aviation industry. |
appearance | Noun | He wants to adjust the appearance of his radar display. |
arrange | Verb | I am going to arrange the departure sequence to minimize wake turbulence delays. |
arrival | Noun | All arrival traffic will be utilizing runway 36. |
base leg | Noun | The Cessna 182 reported turning base leg. |
briefing | Noun | Pilots and Controllers receive a weather briefing prior to their tour of duty. |
circuit | Noun | The aircraft will be flying a left hand circuit for runway 18. |
clearance | Noun | Aircraft must receive an ATC clearance prior to entering the control zone. |
climb | Verb | Aircraft will climb runway heading to 3000 feet before turning. |
complex | Adjective | The terminal complex controls all aircraft within a 40 nautical mile range. |
conflict | Noun | The controllers resolved the conflict between the two aircraft on the downwind. |
departure | Noun | The aircraft made it’s departure from midfield. |
descent | Noun | The aircraft was instructed to make a slow descent arriving into Tokyo. |
downwind | Adjective, Adverb | Aircraft enter the downwind at 2500 feet for sequencing for landing runway 05. |
effort | Noun | You didn't make enough effort sequencing aircraft. Please try harder next time. |
establish | Verb | The piloted reported established on the ILS approach. |
final | Adjective | The aircraft on the VOR approach reported turning final. |
first officer | Noun | The first officer requested to fly the ILS approach. |
flight level | Noun | The pilot was cleared to flight level 250. |
follow | Verb | The tower controller instructed the pilot to follow the aircraft turning base. |
frequency | Noun | After landing, the pilot selected the ground control frequency. |
gear | Noun | The pilot reported turning final landing gear down. |
geographical | Adjective | The tower controller ensures geographical separation between aircraft. |
handoff | Noun | The automatic handoff point is four miles on final. |
helicopter | Noun | The helicopter was cleared to land on the runway threshold. |
instruction | Noun | The pilot was required to read back the control instructions. |
instrument | Noun | The airport primary instrument landing system is the ILS. |
Instrument Flight Rules | Phrase | Commercial aircraft normally fly utilizing instrument flight rules. |
jet | Noun | The introduction of jet aircraft has reduced flight time between major cities. |
lateral | Adjective | Lateral separation utilizing the terminal radar environment is three nautical miles. |
longitudinal | Adjective | Three nautical miles longitudinal separation is applied between aircraft on final approach. |
maintain | Verb | The pilot was told to maintain flight level 330 and heading 140. |
minimum en route altitude | Phrase | The pilot requested the minimum en route altitude for the last segment of the airway. |
Non directional beacon (NDB) | Phrase | The aircraft was instructed to report crossing the NDB inbound to the airport. |
Notice to Airman (NOTAM) | Phrase | The new NOTAM includes the navigation aid outages for Vancouver Flight Information Regions (FIR). |
oceanic | Adjective | The international flights are flight planning specific oceanic routes. |
overflight | Noun | The helicopters overflights cross mid-field. |
parallel | Adverb | Parallel runways are indicated as left or right for departing and landing aircraft, such as 26L or 26R. |
procedure | Noun | The air traffic control facilities develop specific operating procedures to serve their needs for the airports . |
qualification | Noun | To reach qualification in the control tower one must go through on-the-job training (OJT). |
radar | Noun | Radar headings are used for aircraft doing an IFR circuit for the airport. |
sector | Noun | Each sector is designed with vertical and lateral limits and specific operating procedures. |
separation | Noun | Controllers provide separation between aircraft using vertical, lateral, longitudinal or geographic standards. |
sequence | Noun | Arrival sequences are provided by the arrival controller and/or the tower controller. |
spacing | Noun | Controllers provide spacing between aircraft based on first come, first served. |
Standard Instrument Departure (SID) | Phrase | Pilots are issued SID procedure by clearance delivery. |
Standard Terminal Arrival Route (STAR) | Phrase | The enroute controller issued the appropriate STAR to the aircraft. |
vertical | Adjective | Vertical separations is applied between two aircraft to prevent a conflict. |
Visual Flight Rules (VFR) | Phrase | Tower controllers normally apply VFR to aircraft in the landing circuit. |
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