What is a Transition?

Transitions are words or phrases that we use to connect one idea with the next. They can be used to connect two clauses or two sentences; they can even be used to connect one paragraph to another. These words function as adverbs, they help the reader to see the relationship between ideas, and they help you write sentences that flow smoothly together. Here are some examples of common transitions:

  • however
  • therefore
  • for example
  • in conclusion
  • as a result
  • on the other hand
  • then
  • in addition
  • finally
  • in fact
  • meanwhile
  •  in contrast
  • similarly
  • for instance
  • eventually

A transition is a "bridge" between ideas:

  • Students can improve their skills. In addition, they can meet interesting people.
  • I really like thunderstorms. However, I have never tried flying through one.
  • Many foreign pilots are afraid to make a mistake. Therefore, they do not like speaking to Air Traffic Control.

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