

emission (n)
plural: emissions
something sent out or given Where there are a lot of cars, the emissions are very high.
exhaust (n)
the mixture of gases produced by an engine The exhaust from the car smells bad.
instead of in place of I will take the bus instead of driving.
internal combustion engine (n)
plural: internal combustion engines
a type of engine The internal combustion engine has a crankshaft and pistons.
nonrenewable (adj) not be be grown or made again; not to be used again Coal is a nonrenewable energy source.
vehicle (n)
plural: vehicles
a machine used to carry people or things from one place to another A car is a vehicle that is commonly used around the world.


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Reading - 5 Alternative Fuels We Use

alternative fuel car

Pollution and global warming are two major environmental concerns in the world. One of causes is exhaust from cars. So scientist are looking for alternatives to the nonrenewable source that we currently use. Here is a list of 5 alternative sources that are on the road right now.


Hydrogen is used in fuel cell vehicles and in internal combustion engines. In a fuel cell vehicle, the vehicle uses hydrogen to generate power. The hydrogen and oxygen combine to create electricity and power the car. The Honda FCX Clarity uses this technology and there are cars in southern California that use this technology.

A car that uses an internal combustion engine is similar to a gasoline-powered car, but instead of gasoline it uses hydrogen and there is no pollution. It only releases water vapor. The BMW Hydrogen 7 uses this technology. This technology is used in Germany and the United States of America.


Some of the first cars were electric cars, but were not used very frequently because a lot of power was needed to maintain high speeds and travel long distances. Today the electric car has new battery technology - a lithium-ion battery. This battery charges faster and lasts longer too. The Chevy Volt and Tesla are two cars that use this technology.


Biodiesel comes from cooking oil and grease which is changed into biodiesel. Cars with a diesel engine work with biodiesel and you can make it yourself.


A popular alternative fuel is ethanol, which is a type of alcohol from plants. Ethanol is often added to gasoline to prevent emissions. Two countries use ethanol now, in the United States, ethanol comes from corn and in Brazil, ethanol comes from sugar cane. Some people believe that ethanol is not a good alternative source because it takes a lot of resources to produce it.

Liquefied Natural Gas

Canada and the United States of America have lots of natural gas in their countries, it is a fossil fuel found between layers of underground rock. Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) burns cleaner than oil or gasoline. Heavy-duty trucks that travel long distances use this alternative fuel.

Adapted from: Top 10 Alternative fuels on the road right now


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