Think of the best toy you have ever played with. What made it fun? How many stars would you rate it? Would you tell other kids to buy it, too?

Now, think of the worst toy you have ever played with. What made it so awful? Was it too boring? Too hard? Too easy? How many stars would you rate it?

You are going to write a review for a toy magazine. Pick a few toys or games and write reviews for them. Your reviews will help other kids and their parents decide what the best toys are, and what toys they should avoid! For each review, make sure you include the following things:

  • The name of the toy or game
  • A picture of the toy or game
  • What age/s the toy or game is for
  • Good things about it
  • Bad things about it
  • Whether you would recommend other kids to get it
  • How many stars you rate it

Have fun! When you are finished, you can read through other kids' reviews and see if you can find some new, exciting toys to play with.
