You've learned about the present continuous, you've learned about the past continuous...guess what? Now it's time for the future continuous! Can you guess how it is formed?

  • subject + "will be" + present participle (-ing)
Subject Will Be Verb + ing
I, You, He, She, It, We, They, You will be running in the race tomorrow.

The easy thing about the future continuous is that the verb forms never change, no matter who the subject is!

The future continuous can also be used to make negative sentences.

Subject Will NOT Be Verb + ing
I, You, He, She, It, We, They, You will not be using the computer after school.

Here are some sentences that use the future continuous.

bad score

He will not be smiling when he sees his score!


After this, the orangutan will be copying the girl.

dirty faces

They will be washing their faces clean later.


Bruce will not be feeling well if he eats all these cupcakes.


I don't think we will be camping again soon!

splashing puddles

Will you be splashing in the puddles for a long time?

