Intro Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Student 4

Students work in groups of three to four and open the corresponding pages.

Students take turns asking and answering the discussion questions.

Make sure to use the vocabulary words in your answer.

  1. What type of traffic does your city have?
  2. Does your city have a lot of humidity?
  3. What is something silly that you enjoy?
  4. What is the most gorgeous weather for you?
  1. What is common weather for your city in the summer?
  2. Have you ever heard of someone being hit by lightning in your country?
  3. How long do you commute to school each day?
  4. How do you feel when you are in a traffic jam?
  1. Do you prefer predictable or unpredictable weather? Why?
  2. What is something that causes excitement in your life?
  3. When your tires are spinning in snow, what should you do?
  4. Does the temperature in your city or country ever drop below freezing, or is it always above freezing?
  1. Are you a silly or serious person?
  2. Have you seen today's weather forecast? What did it say?
  3. What is something that is terrifying for you?
  4. What is unique about your city?