Why is it so dangerous to step on a rusty nail? - Louise Thwaites
AdultsBiologyHealthHumanScience... Explore how a toxin-producing bacterium causes tetanus, and how to identify its common symptoms and best prevention practices.
Cleaning Up Space Debris
YouthScienceSpaceTechnology Paladin Space founder Harrison Box, explains the dangers of space debris — and how their innovative solution aims to combat this threat.
Down To Earth
YouthPhysicsScienceWorldNature... In this episode of Crash Course Kids, Sabrina talks about why things on the bottom of the Earth, don't just fall off into space. Plus... PENGUINS!
These Illusions Fool Almost Everyone
AdultsEducationMusicSciencePsychology... A big thank you to Titus Grenyer over at Pep Organ for showing us around the Sydney Town Hall Organ, to Dr. Diana Deutsch for providing her illusions and insight into the field, to Casey Connor for advice on building sound illusions, and to Dr. Michael Bach for providing the motion-bounce illusion.
Defying Gravity
YouthPhysicsScienceSpace Sabrina talks about gravity and explains that when we talk about gravity pulling things down, what we really mean is gravity is pulling things TOWARD the Earth.
The weirdest (and coolest) tongues in the animal kingdom
AdultsAnimalsLifeNatureScience... Explore the incredible variety of tongues in the animal kingdom, and find out how different species utilize the appendage to survive.
Magnetic Slime Tutorial
KidsExperimentsHow-toScience In this video, we’ll show you how to make magnetic slime with a simple, step-by-step tutorial.
This Disease is Deadlier Than The Plague
AdultsBiologyHistoryHumanHealthScience... The white death has haunted humanity like no other disease following us for thousands, maybe millions of years.
Which Animal Can Hear The Best?
YouthAnimalsFactsNatureScience... Explore the extraordinary auditory adaptations in the animal kingdom, and find out which creature has the best hearing.
My Search for Proof Aliens Exist | Avi Loeb | TED
AdultsLifeScienceSpace Why have we not yet found proof of alien life? According to astrophysicist Avi Loeb, we simply haven't dedicated the proper resources.
Is Cold Water Swimming Good For You?
YouthHumanScienceHealth Cold water swimming has been linked to a range of health benefits – potentially improving brain fog, energy levels and chronic pain, according to researchers.
Part(icles) Of Your World
YouthFactsPhysicsScienceEducation... In this episode, Sabrina talks to us about matter and particles and that all matter is made up of particles.
Can you actually taste a difference between Tomatoes?
AdultsFactsFilmFoodScience... In this video, we are doing a deep dive into tomatoes.
The Science Behind Wildfires
YouthEnvironmentNatureScience In this video, we explore how wildfires start and spread. From the initial spark to the roaring blaze, we'll break down the key factors that add to wildfire behaviour.
Mixing Coke & Milk
KidsExperimentsHow-toScience Join us in this fascinating science experiment as we explore the chemical reaction between Coke and milk!
Why Does Hitting Your Funny Bone Feel...Funny?
YouthBiologyHealthHumanScience... Explore the complex anatomy of the elbow, and find out why hitting your funny bone causes such an odd and painful sensation.