
Zero Waste Week

Ricky has been to a school in South London which has taken lots of steps to try to put an end to their waste.

I Can Go!

Watch as they dance and sing while learning about opposite directions in this fun and educational video.

Alp speaks about his experience taking Project Management at the Canadian College

Alp took the Project Management Diploma at the Canadian College. He speaks about how the skills he learned studying in Vancouver helped him when he was working at Zodiac's head office in Vancouver as a Project Manager.

Stanley The Sloth And The Tremendous Timekeeper

Even though Stanley tends to run late, join him on his adventure to give his time to help a friend.

How Many Religions Are There?: Crash Course Religions #2

When we think of world religions, we often think of the Big Five: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism. But why do we think of those?

What Is Sickle Cell Disease?

You have around 35 trillion red blood cells moving around your body at all times. Typically they are rounded and flexible. What happens when they aren’t?

Mindfulness Compilation

A mix of two fun and active mindfulness activities for kids - Mindful Looking and Rainbow Relaxation.

Ksenia speaks about her experience studying Hospitality at the Canadian College

Ksenia studied Hospitality Management at the Canadian College in 2011. She is now living in Vancouver and working at a local hotel chain as a banquet server.

Why Is Alzheimer's Disease So Difficult To Treat?

While doctors have studied Alzheimer’s for decades, there is still no effective preventive treatment or cure. So, why is Alzheimer’s disease so difficult to treat?

Is Co-Sleeping REALLY Dangerous?

If you've ever taken care of a baby, you might have heard that sleeping on the same bed with them, AKA co-sleeping, is a big no-no. But the research into the ins and outs of bed sharing is more complicated than you might think.

Lilly writes about her dream to live in Vancouver

"After my training in International Trade I got a better job and could exercise all the content learned in College. I recommend the program for those who want to learn not only theory but to practice in their chosen profession. I realized one of my dreams which is living and working in Vancouver!" Lilly (International Trade)

Intro To Thermometers

Learn what they are and how to read them.

Valentina speaks about her experience studying in Vancouver

Valentina speaks about how she took the Smrt IELTS program at the Canadian College of English Language and how much she loves Vancouver.

I Am Stronger Than Anger

A little book to help children recognize and cope with their anger in a funny way through communication with zoo animals.

How to Live a Meaningful Life | Brian S. Lowery | TED

What makes for a meaningful life? Social psychologist Brian S. Lowery explores three ideas tied to the experience of meaning and shows why simply pursuing personal achievements isn't the best way to find it.

What Is Race Walking?

Learn all about race walking from a young expert.

What Everyone Gets Wrong About Planes

Myths and misconceptions about planes. Go to to see through media misconceptions and get all sides of every story. Subscribe to save 40% off unlimited access through our link.

Wagner writes about how the he worked and studied in Vancouver

"The hospitality program at Canadian College opened doors for my future in the industry. The diploma allowed me to study and gain practical experience, complementing my previous education in Brazil. The faculty and staff were always supportive."

Txt in English - Canadian College of English Language

Study English at the Canadian College of English Language in Vancouver, Canada. For more information contact our team.

FALLOUT's Critical Chemical is REAL

RadAway is arguably the most important chemical in the whole FALLOUT universe. But can you really remove radiation like you do in the games?

Primitive Technology: Water Bellows (uses water instead of leather)

I built a Water Bellows. It’s an upside-down clay pot with an inlet valve and an outlet spout. The inlet valve is simply a hole in the pot with a leaf plastered to the inside with wet clay so that it forms a one-way flap valve.