
DIY Lava Lamp

In this fun and easy DIY science experiment, we show you how to make a lava lamp at home with just a few simple ingredients.

Ksenia speaks about her experience studying Hospitality at the Canadian College

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Ksenia studied Hospitality Management at the Canadian College in 2011. She is now living in Vancouver and working at a local hotel chain as a banquet server.

The New Year Is Marching In

Grab the kids and count down to the New Year with this super fun New Year action song for kids.

Liliane's Experience Working and Studying in Canada

AdultsSmrt PathwayEducationBusiness...
Liliane speaks about her experience at Canadian College of English Language and her plan to study the International Trade Diploma at the Canadian College.

Tobi's Question: What Is A Supernova?

Are your kids wondering, “What is a supernova?” This question came from Tobi, a student from the United States.

The Big Cat With The Coolest Claws

How many claws do cats have? What are claws made of? This is the show that pits the ultimate big cats against one another, in a ferocious battle of skills.

Smrt English for Young Learners

Smrt English and Little Mountain Learning Academy have developed a curriculum for young learners. This material is appropriate for all age groups including students in Kindergarten, Elementary School and High School.

How to Defend Democracy — and Fight Autocracy | Leopoldo Lopez | TED

Seventy-two percent of the world's population lives under some sort of autocratic rule, says freedom fighter Leopoldo Lopez.

The Strange Physics Principle That Shapes Reality

The single principle that underpins all of physics.

On These Questions, Smarter People Do Worse

Being better at math can make you worse at math problems, and it’s completely rational.

Primitive Technology: Tile Capped Mud Walls

I built Mud walls and capped them with roof tiles to protect them from rain. Mud walls if left uncovered in wet weather will dissolve in the rain and collapse.

Following The Sun

In this episode of Crash Course Kids, Sabrina talks about that marvellous big ball of light in the sky; The Sun!

Liliane's Experience Working and Studying in Canada

Liliane speaks about her experience at Canadian College of English Language and her plan to study the International Trade Diploma at the Canadian College.

How Do We Taste Our Food?

Taste receptors in the mouth sense the five basic tastes: sweetness, sourness, saltiness, bitterness, and savouriness. Let's find out how it all works!

Crash Course Political Theory Preview

Welcome to Crash Course Political Theory! Over the next 13 episodes, Ellie Anderson will introduce you to the perspectives of political thinkers past and present, and explore how political theories apply to the most burning questions of our time.

Lying Down Mindfulness

This is a compilation of videos in which children lie down, relax and close their eyes. Perfect for the end of the school day or before bedtime!

The People In My Family

Meet the Summers family from Toodly Doodly Doo and learn about family members.

Join the Smrt Alumni at LinkedIn.

AdultsSocial MediaEducationLanguage...
You can now join the Smrt Alumni at LinkedIn by adding "Smrt English" to your LinkedIn Profile under education. Or if you are a teacher you can add Smrt under your experience.

How Metamorphic Rocks Are Like Butterflies

After learning about igneous and sedimentary rocks, Savannah and Sam learn about the final main kind of rock: metamorphic rocks.

Can ARCANE Magic Exist? (Spoiler Free)

The hit Netflix and League of Legends crossover show ARCANE's second season is finally here and with it, so is Hex zaddy Kyle Hill who has been working tireless nights in Victor’s lab trying to analyze whether there is any connection between the magic of the TV series and actual real life science.

Video Games Are Good For Your Brain

ft-brained"? Is a human brain not fully developed until a person hits 25 years old? Did my parents waste a bunch of money buying Mozart CDs to make me smarter as a baby?